SeaNet-Alarm Users Manual
There is clearly a need for loud sound or an optical alarm, that makes you aware of
possible dangers and instruments failure.
With the SeaNet-Alarm this needs can be filled in an easy and economic way.
When an alarm condition is recognized, SeaNet-Alarm activates a solid state switch that
can activate a powerfull external alarm and/or switch on optical alarm.
Alarm sources
SeaNet-Alarm his highly configurable. It reacts to different instrument alarms and also has
it's own built in alarm triggers.
Alarms can be triggered by :
Internal “wake-up” timer
→ internally generated
SeaTalk network failure
→ internally generated
Shallow water alarm
→ from depth instrument
Anchor alarm
→ from depth instrument
Transducer defective
→ from depth instrument
High & low windspeed alarm
→ from wind instrument
Wind angle high & low alarm
→ from wind instrument
→ from autopilot
Off course & drive stopped
→ from autopilot
& auto release alarm
Object in guard band 1&2
→ from radar
MOB Alarm
→ from instrument
Instrument failure
→ internally generated
Alarms can be switched on/off individually. A unique alarm sound pattern can be assigned
to the different alarms – so that the user can “hear” what caused the alarm.
There are two alarm indication LED's on board the SeaNet-Alarm. The led's can be
assigned to different alarms – so that the user can “see” what caused the alarm.
SeaNet-Alarm V1.0
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