Raymarine Autohelm 2000 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


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Any reference to Raytheon or 

RTN in this manual should be 

interpreted as Raymarine. 

The names Raytheon and RTN 

are owned by the 

Raytheon Company. 


Содержание Autohelm 2000

Страница 1: ...Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company ...

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Страница 3: ...Held Conlrol Unit The lull syslem is shown below Cockpil and loller conliguralions vary widely and lo ensure your Aulohclm 2000 inslallalion is as neal and secure as possible a lull range ol lillrng accessones is available lrom aulhorised Aulohelm slockisls Full delails are included In case 01 any dillicully please conlacl our Technical Sales Deparlmenl lor assislance The syslem is designed lor ow...

Страница 4: ... yacht s cenlre line and mark elf dimensions A and B A is measured on the STARBOARD side of the cockpit using masking tape to locate the fixing points Ensure the measurements are at right angles as shown The drive unit must be mounted horizontally SLOPING RUDDERSTOCK In certain circumslances it may be more convenient to mount the unit on lhe porthand side When this is the case the changeover switc...

Страница 5: ...is capable 01 generating high pushrod loads Ensure lhal l The epoxy is allowed to harden Ihoroughly before applying any loads l Ail holes are drilled to correcl size and where necessary reinlorcing is provrded MOI INTING SOCKET TILLEII PIN INSTALLATION PUSHROD EXTENSIONS Fig 4 ACCESSORIES The prrshrod lengllr IWI be simply II il is not possible lo inslall Ihe drive unil directly onto Ihe cockpil s...

Страница 6: ...d B l Mark oil Ihe position 01 the cenlres of Ihe Iwo Itxing boll holes l Drill Iwo 6mm Y4 diameler clearance holes through Ihe cenlre line 01 the Irtter l Install Ihe liller bracket using 2 x 6mm I J diameter bolls nuts and washers 0 Bond lhe lixing bolls in place wilh epoxy adhesive and fully lighlen the nuts SLOPING TILLER _ _ _ Dimension Cl below litter Dimension E above litter 25mm 1 5 1 nw1 ...

Страница 7: ...ove burrs with He 0 Tr rriporarily assemble the cantilever by scrcwrrlg the rod into the mounting Ilange l Ensure lhe drive unit is horizontal and mark oil Ihe location ol the mounting Ilange l Mark and drill 3 x 6mm V4 clearance holes ignore the two inner holes 0 Mount the llange using 3 x 6mm l 4 diameter bolts wilh nuts and washers Be sure to install the backing plate correctly Bed the flange o...

Страница 8: ...m I q diameter bolls nuls and washers being sure Ihe back ptale is installed correclty Bed Ihe ltange on a thin coat 01 silicone rubber sealanl Frg 9 l Screw Ihe mounling socket lirmty inlo place When lhe Aulohelm is nol in use Ihe mounling sockel may be unscrewed lo leave Ihe cockpit unobslrucled Dimension G Pedestal Socket Length L Cat No 38mm 1 5 Std Dimension __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ________ ...

Страница 9: ...d length The Dri Plug sockel musl be connecled directly lo the vessels electrical dislribulion panel and on no account paralleled into exisling wiring for other equipment The Aulohelm supply must be independently switched and protecled by a 5 amp fuse or current trip Since the autopilot is microprocessor based il is very imporlant lhat vollage losses in supply cables are minimised Supply cables sl...

Страница 10: ... The applied rudder is proporlional lo course error al any lime and lhus when Ihe course is restored Ihe rudder will be neulralised When changes in vessel lrim occur due lo varialions in wind pressure or engine Itirollle selling lhe course can only be rnainlained by Ihe applicalion 01 permanenl rudder oif sel standing helm lo reslore balance II permanenl rudder oll sel is nol applied lo restore ba...

Страница 11: ...o engage wilh Ihe tiller pin using the four black bullons t 0 ul 0 ii ii Push and hold down lo exlendlrelracl Ihe pushrod AUTO Push once lo engage the aulopilot lo mainlain Ihe currenl heading or push twice wilhin 2 seconds lo return lo Ihe previous aulomalic heading 66 Push lo aller course lo port or 1 0 4 10 slarboard in incremenls of 1 and 10 degrees STAN Push once lo disengage Ihe autopilot an...

Страница 12: ...s Note keys always turn the vessel to starboard 1 0 10 a 0 STAND BY 0 AUTO 0 Push once lo disengage Ihe windvane for manual sleering The previous apparent wind angle wilt be memorised or Push once to change over to aulomalic compass heading control and maintain Ihe current heading AUTOTACK FUNCTION The Aulohelm 2000 has an automalic lacking lunction which operales in both compass and windvane mode...

Страница 13: ... 1 lvlsti YOII 01 f3 1tl10 NZIVI UI II SySlC lll Wlll1 Sllll ll lO illllOflllOl C lllf lll FUNCTIONAL TEST PROCEDURE Afler compleling he ins allalion you should carry out the following lunclional lesl lo familiarise yourself wilh Ihe syslem before allempting sea Irials Plug Ihe Aulohelm 2000 inlo Ihe power sockel and switch on Ihe eleclrical supply The unit will emit a short beep Lone lo indicale ...

Страница 14: ... automatic heading Hand Steering l Press Stand by and Ml the autopilol lrom the tiller pin lor return to hand sleering Automatic Sea State Control During the sea Irial the operation 01 the automatic sea stale conlrol can be observed When the aulopilol is initially engaged in Auto mode the aulopilot will respond lo all pilch and roll movemenls During the lirsl minule of operation it will be noticed...

Страница 15: ...ane the alarm will sound when the wind direction changes by more lhan 15 degrees and may be accepted by pressing bolh red keys together This will silence the alarm and advance Ihe off course alarm datum to the current compass heading CURRENT LIMITING AND CUTOUT If the autopilot is driven into its end stops Ihe drive will be pulsed lo prevent overloading Ihe motor If the pilol is left in this condi...

Страница 16: ...up period MAINTENANCE All moving parIs the system have been lubricated for life at the faclory Therelore ii0 mainlenance whatsoever will be required Should a lault develop Ihe autopilot s plugabilily ensures that only the defective unit need be returned Before lhis is done please double check that the power supply cable is sound and that alt connections are light and free from corrosion Since Ihe ...

Страница 17: ...870 c o Antnm O96Q3 65565 Ocean Marine Servicer 43 aw rie Pl KXlllI 0752 23922 Quay Electrtcs TeignmoutlJ Ltd Il ut 4 Dublin 11 000134259C1 I E a Dale Sailing Co Ltd Dak Ilavcrto d Wnl l hl Mr 65 349 IIPollw1tIPlbw t4Jllhd 0758613193 Sailtronk Marine CtnrrctlSlrcl l GLm Cmwy cohyn nay c w 0492 68 536 SCdhWll Strdd ll 059588645 Robbins Marine Radio Sew r l glZ EkCtrO ks tw tdgaf Swth Qwwateuy 05170...

Страница 18: ...53 6109 lrl twa354l R4077 k lrx 007 501 2 334 MXIX IS lax 1010 3541 29323 Israel Briza Yacht Marine Supply ICI Aviv P 0 Box 39232 1 1 d Barbados C O Willialnr ElectrkalCo Ltd WaflPllS 5 1 t heal Lt vbda lel 010 I809 425 2250 T x 007 392 2366 COW WE la IO 1 Em 474 0374 gcfgium Wert Diep Yachting Centrc SPRL R 8450 Nwwpoon I lwwq 2 Belqwl Tel tO103258 234061 Fax 010 32 5815823 9246 Bermuda Finland O...
