Fit the cast iron baffle into position with the
front markings facing forward.
Then place the top side insulation pad part
No. 8 into position, pressing it in tightly.
Now press the Top Front Insulation Pad Part
No. 9 tightly into position. Press the top edges
of the blankets back as far as possible so as
not to restrict the air passage-ways under the
hot plate.
Now glue the Hot Plate 15 mm seal part No. 10
into position with the tales at the cool end of
the hot plate, ensuring that it seals correctly.
Glue the short 15 mm rope seal part No. 11
to the underside ridge on the hot plate. Place
the hot plate into position and press
down firmly.
Drill a hole 15 mm into the top of the oven
under the flue. Fit the 15-22 mm adaptor into
the 15 mm hole and seal, then put the 22 x 300
mm pipe into the adaptor, allowing the pipe to
go up the flue.
Fit the flue adaptor to the top of the flue box,
and seal into position, using fire clay. Then
place the flue cover into position and seal.
Then fit the flue to the cooker.
Connecting the oil pipe.
Hold the end of the 6 mm bundy tube and gently pull up and across to connect to the oil pump,
using jointing compound and tightly securely. Note – because the pump is flexibly mounted make
sure the joint is TIGHT and also that the bundy tube doesn’t reverberate against the fan housing
which would create noise. Trim and bend the other end of the pipe and make into the oil filter
using the fitting supplied.
Wiring. Connect the terminal block to the feed flex and prepare for switching on.
Bleeding the oil pipe. There is a small bleed fitting on the pump- see photo-