7.4 Setting the Coolant Temperature for Re-circulation
When powering up the chiller, the screen will immediately give the option to set the
temperature of the coolant. It is recommended to set a 20
C set point. After the set point has
been configured, selecting start will initiate the coolant re-circulation. For more detailed
information on all the operating modes of the T257P Precision Chiller, please refer to the
Thermotek user manual.
WARNING: Please ensure the temperature set point of the chiller is above your
ambient dew point, otherwise condensation can form around the sensor package and
cause damage.
7.5 Draining the Chiller, Camera and Tubing
If using the Thermotek T257P Precision Chiller, it is recommended that a coolant change be
implemented at a minimum, every six months, to keep the system in working order. Based
on the amount of use, you may need to perform this more frequently. For more detailed
information, please refer to the Thermotek T257P Precision Chiller user manual. If using
another model of chiller, please refer to its user manual for the recommended time frame for
coolant changes.
If finishing the testing of a demo kit, please disconnect the tubing and drain the camera,
chiller and tubing before sending the equipment back to Raptor. Shorter draining tubes
should be supplied with the demo kit. Two draining tubes (with the appropriate mating
connectors) need to be connected to both connecters on each of the camera, chiller and
tubing to drain each individually. If there are no draining tubes, both liquid connectors on
each component need to be pressed simultaneously in order for the liquid to drain.