General Problem
Possible Cause
Voltage Cable
Fault (UC)
Boot Fault (bF)
The Voltage Feedback Fault indicates
the cascade drive signal is not present.
It typically occurs when high voltage is
The Boot Fault indicates that an active
trigger signal was detected during the
start-up sequence.
1. Turn off the voltage controller and remove
the high voltage cable from the voltage
2. Turn on the power and place HV test jumper
J8 in shorted position. If the UC fault occurs,
send the high voltage controller in for repair.
If no fault occurs, continue.
3. Either the high voltage cable or if using a
hand gun, the gun resistor tube has failed..
If available, replace the high voltage cable,
or continue to test the resistor tube.
4. To test the resistor tube, remove the resistor
tube from the gun and inspect for signs of
burning or arcing. Cracks or black marks
indicate failure of the resistor tube, indicating
the resistor tube must be replaced. Measure
the resistance using a tri-meter connected to
the black end of the tube and screwdriver in
the other end. The measurement must be
150 to 170 Mega ohms. Replace resistor
tube if the reading is not correct.
5. Replace high voltage cable or send
applicator unit in for repair.
1. Turn off the voltage controller.
2. Ensure J8 HV test jumper on PC board is
not shorting both posts.
3. Ensure that the gun trigger is not pressed
so the trigger input signal is not active.
4. Turn on the voltage controller to verify that
a trigger signal is not present and that the
unit enters the ‘ready’ state.
5. Send the voltage controller in for repair or
contact technical support.
9060 Classic High Voltage Controller -