Design Manual
To configure the audio routing, you use the
Mongoose Tracker routing matrix. The matrix
contains an area for RAD channels and an area
for CobraNet channels, allowing the routing
of signals directly to and from RADs and/or
to and from CobraNet Bundles. Following is a
simplified picture of the matrix, illustrating how
it is separated into RAD channels and CobraNet
RAD channels
Figure 10: Simplified view of an audio routing matrix
An actual configured matrix looks like this:
Figure 11: Mongoose Tracker audio routing matrix
As you can see, the matrix allows you to configure which RAD input and CobraNet receive audio channels
are routed to which RAD output and CobraNet transmit audio channels.
To thoroughly understand the matrix, however, it is helpful to see the hardware view of various routing
scenarios. The matrix can seem a bit abstract unless you have a solid picture in mind of what you’re trying
to achieve.
Each of the following routing scenarios includes four illustrations – two versions of the hardware view and
two versions of the corresponding software matrix view. The first hardware view is high level while the
second shows a more detailed view of the actual port connections involved. The first matrix illustration is
a simplified view of the routing configuration while the second shows the actual configured matrix.
Note the color key in each of the detailed hardware graphics. The orange lines represent the physical
connection between the RAD and its host Mongoose. The dotted red lines represent the virtual audio
connection between devices. The blue lines represent the physical CobraNet connections between the
Mongoose and the network switch and other CobraNet devices.