Perturbations and Errors Simulation
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
12 Perturbations and Errors Simulation
deals with the impact of the multipath and other envi-
ronment effects on the position accuracy.
Real receivers experience also signal errors caused by satellite orbit and clock errors,
that remain non-corrected despite the corrections in the broadcasted navigation mes-
sage. To simulate even more challenging conditions, you can add deliberate signal
errors by manipulating the navigation messages of the satellites.
Signal errors of any kind have a direct impact on the receiver’s positioning accuracy.
12.1 About the Errors Sources
You can observe the effect of the following common error sources on the receiver’s
positioning accuracy:
Atmospheric (ionospheric and tropospheric) errors
Chapter 12.1.1, "About the Atmospheric Effects"
Chapter 12.2, "Atmospheric Effects and Ionospheric Errors Settings"
Difference between the atmospheric condition at the ground station and the
receiver, simulated as difference in the simulated ionospheric model and the
broadcasted ionospheric parameters in the navigation message
"Errors are deviations between the simulated and broadcasted navigation
Pseudorange errors
Chapter 12.3, "Pseudorange Errors Settings"
Satellite orbit and orbit perturbation errors (ephemeris errors)
Chapter 12.1.2, "About Orbit and Orbit Perturbation Parameters and Errors"
Chapter 12.4, "Orbit and Orbit Perturbation Errors Settings"
Satellite clock and time conversion errors, like system time drifts due to difference
in the time conversion sets
Chapter 12.1.3, "About Clock and Time Conversion Parameters and Errors"
Chapter 12.6, "Time Conversion Errors Settings"
About the Errors Sources