Remote Control Basics
User Manual 1177.5079.02 ─ 10
For remote control via a network, the computer and the power sensor must be connec-
ted via the Ethernet interface to a common network with TCP/IP network protocol. The
TCP/IP network protocol and the associated network services are preconfigured on the
power sensor. Software for device control and the VISA program library must be instal-
led on the computer.
VISA Resource Strings
The VISA resource string is required to establish a communication session between
the controller and the power sensor in a LAN. The resource string is a unique identifier,
composed of the specific IP address of the sensor and some network and VISA-spe-
cific keywords.
TCPIP::<IP address or hostname>[::<LAN device name>][::INSTR]
designates the network protocol used
<IP address or hostname>
is the IP address or host name of the device
[::<LAN device name>]
defines the protocol and the instance number of a subin-
indicates the power sensors resource class (optional)
The IP address or hostname is used by the programs to identify and control the sensor.
While the hostname is determined by settings in the sensor, the IP address is assigned
by a DHCP server when the sensor requests one. Alternatively the IP address is deter-
mined with a procedure called Zeroconf.
You can also assign a
LAN device name
which defines the protocol characteristics of
the connection. See the description of the VISA resource string below for the corre-
sponding interface protocols. The string of the
LAN device name
is emphasized in ital-
TCPIP::<IP address or hostname>
is the HiSLIP device name, designates that the interface protocol HiSLIP is
used (mandatory)
is composed of [::HiSLIP device name[,HiSLIP port]] and must be assigned.
For details of the HiSLIP protocol, refer to
Chapter, "HiSLIP Protocol"
TCPIP::<IP address or hostname>
is the LAN device name, indicating that the VXI-11 protocol is used (optional)
currently selects the VXI-11 protocol by default and can be omitted.
For details of the VXI-11 protocol, refer to
Chapter, "VXI-11 Protocol"
Remote Control Interfaces and Protocols