Creating Reports
Rohde & Schwarz
EMI Automotive Band Evaluation with R&S©EMC32-K51
– 1SP07-
Figure 41: After end of test all data are collected in result tables including tables
with the outcome of data reduction per Band
Table 4-2: Description of the naming convention for tables
Table name
<Sub-range name>_Auto
This table contains the measurement values
<Sub-range name>_DR_D1
This table contains the result of the Data Reduction
acc. to limit line 1 and detector 1 (if data reduction is
<Sub-range name>_DR_D2
This table contains the result of the Data Reduction
acc. to limit line 2 and detector 2 (if data reduction is
Result Table
Active table for the next measurement. After test stop
this table is empty.
Table 4-3: Naming convention for graphics
Graphics name
<Sub-range name>
For each sub-range one graphics is generated
<Test template name>
This graphics is ready to take over the trace of the
next measurement. It is only visible in measurement
mode, in analysis mode it can be floating.
Creating Reports
We start with an empty Report setup in the report generator.