Configuration of Test Cases in the Editor
Rohde & Schwarz
EMI Automotive Band Evaluation with R&S©EMC32-K51
– 1SP07-
If QuasiPeak has to be taken as Detector with a minimum measurement time of 1s it
depends on the frequency range a Band covers and the step size given in the standard
how long the test for this Band lasts. Therefore the usage of TD-Scan offered with Test
Receivers families ESU, ESRP or ESR which is switched on in the receiver settings
tab Time / Bandwidth (Figure 22) allows extremely shorted test durations.
Figure 22: Switching the Test Receiver to Time Domain Scan (TD-Scan: FFT
Mode) use ScanFast as Scan Mode
3.4 Settings in Graphics tab
In the Graphics tab the following parameters con be set.
Figure 23: Settings of the Graphics tab
Defines the limit lines which shall be displayed for each of
the two detectors. These two Limit Lines are taken for
Data Reduction.
For each limit line optionally an
may be applied
(thus the copy of the limit line added to the appropriate
EMI test will be corrected by the defined offset value).