LXI (R&S AFQ100B only)
AFQ100A, R&S
Supplement 1175.6978.02 ─ 04
5. Use the mouse cursor and keyboard to access the functionality of the instrument
as you would directly perform the settings on the instruments front panel.
SCPI Remote Trace
The remote trace functionality allows you to trace input and output strings at the
remote control interface of the R&S
A recorded trace (message log) can be evaluated directly in the dialog. Use the high-
lighting and navigation functions provided in the lower toolbar to locate error messages
and messages containing arbitrary search strings. You can also export the message
log to a
file and evaluate the file using a suitable program.
To trace and display messages:
1. In the navigation pane, select "Diagnostics" > "SCPI Remote Trace".
2. In the toolbar bar of the "SCPI Remote Trace" page, select "live mode" > "on" and
"logging" > "on".
"live mode > on" displays all commands and responses, and "logging > on" also
traces messages.
3. If you now control the instument with SCPI commands, using an appropriate tool,
the SCPI remote trace records the information sent and received.
The function records all sent commands, received responses and messages, and
stores them in an internal database. If "live mode" is disabled, you can display the
recent traces upon request, using the "refresh" button. You can also store the log in
a file.
The diagnostics functionality will be extended in later releases, e.g. to down-
load or upload SCPI command files from / to the instrument.
LXI Configuration