Kesadahan dan kualitas air (Net version)
Water hardness and quality (Net version)
A water softening or salt partial removal system must be fi tted if the hardness of the water supply is above 5 °dKH, 9 °fKH
or 89 ppm, (German, French degrees of carbonate hardness or parts per million). The water supply after treatment should be
about 5 °dKH / 9 °fKH / 89ppm. We recommend to install a 10 micron mechanical fi lter to the water mains.
Pelembutan air atau sistem pemindahan garam harus dipasang jika kesadahan pasokan air di atas 5 ° dKH, 9 ° fKH atau 89 ppm,
(tingkat kesadahan karbonat Jerman, Jerman per bagian per juta). Pasokan air setelah perawatan harus sekitar 5 ° dKH / 9 ° fKH /
89ppm. Sebaiknya pasang fi lter mekanis 10 mikron ke saluran air.
Connect only water softener suitable for coff ee machines with steam boilers. Avoid the connecting of a coff ee machine to a
central water softening system. Also to be avoided is series connection of more then one water softening systems.
Sambungkan hanya pelembut air yang sesuai untuk mesin kopi dengan ketel uap. Hindari menghubungkan mesin kopi ke sistem
pelembutan air pusat. Yang harus dihindari adalah rangkaian koneksi lebih dari satu sistem pelembutan air.