Dev Info: Time clock information (see below)
Users (100): 100: Proximity Time clock: Maximum number
of users (100 X 100 = 10,000).
FPCnt (100): 15: Biometric Time clock: Maximum number
of fingerprints (15 X 100 = 1,500).
AttLog (10k): 5: Maximum number of transaction (5 X
10,000 = 50,000).
S Logs: 4096: Maximum number of supervisor logs (tracks
menu access).
Mfg Date: Time clock’s date/time of manufacture.
Serial Num: Time clock serial number.
Vendor: Acroprint
Device Name:TQ600B (Biometric), TQ600P (Proximity),
TQ600BC-M (Barcode or Magnetic Stripe).
Firmware Ver: The version of the time clock firmware.
MAC Address: The MAC address of the time clock.
Alg Version: The version of the fingerprint identification
MCU Version: The firmware version of the microcontroller.