Sleep: Set a time the time clock will go into sleep mode. Pressing
any button will awaken the time clock.
Idle: Select “SLP” or “OFF” for the Idle mode. “SLP” – Sleep
mode allows the time clock to be awakened by pressing any key.
“OFF” - Turns the unit off and the power button must be pressed to
turn the unit on.
Idle Min: Set how many minutes of no use before the time clock
goes into the selected “Idle” mode. Setting “Idle Min” to “0” turns
off this feature.
Bell Delay: Set the length of time the bell sounds. A setting of 5
sets the bell to ring for 10 seconds. A setting of 10 sets the bell to
ring for 20 seconds.
Scheduled Bell: There are 20 bell schedules. Enter the times
you would like the bell to sound. The bell will sound at the
scheduled times for the duration set in the “Bell Delay”.
Lock Power: If set to “Y” the time clock cannot be turned off
using the power button. To turn the unit off with the power
button locked, enter the “Power Mng” menu and scroll down to
“Power Off”.
Communication Options
Select “Comm Opt”, press [OK], the following appears:
Comm. Opt
Baud Rate 115200
Dev Num 1
IP Addr
Net Speed AUTO
Ethernet Y
RS232 N
RS485 N
COMM Key 0