PRR S-2 Turbine Operating Instructions
For example, if you want to select Feature 2, you put the engine in
RESET, and move the throttle up and down from full throttle to low two
times. After the second advance, you will hear two “clinks" indicating that
the computer is now in Feature 2. Advance the throttle again and you will
hear three “clinks" for Feature 3. Advance it two more times and you will
hear a “clank" indicating
that you are now in
Feature 5. Advance the
throttle two more times
and you will hear a
“clank" and two “clinks"
indicating Feature 7. ((5
throttle advancements = 1
clank) + (2 throttle
advancements = 2 clinks)). “Clank + “Clink" + “Clink" = Feature 7. You
can advance the throttle as quickly as you like (though you may not hear the
air-release sounds) and the computer will still remember the number of
times the throttle is advanced by playing back the number of “Clinks" and
“Clanks" to confirm the feature you’ve selected.
Remotely Adjusting The Engine Volume
Reset Feature 6 – (1
Clank, 1 Clink)
Reset Feature 6 allows you to change the volume setting of the chuff sounds
without affecting the volume of other sounds, such as whistle, bell,
enhanced neutral sounds,
etc. To use, cycle to Reset
6 and press the Whistle
button. A single bell will
play, and the chuff will
begin at the current
volume. Each time the
Whistle button is pressed, a
bell will sound and the
volume setting will cycle down to the next level. The levels available are
100%, 50%, 25%, and 0%. After 0%, pressing the whistle button again will
return the chuff to 100%. When the desired level is reached, lock the
changes by interrupting the throttle and cycling the engine into forward.
Move The Throttle
Up & Down From
High Voltage To Low
2 Times
Advance The Throttle
Up & Down From
High Voltage To Low
4 More Times
Listen For The
2 Clink Sounds
Listen For 1 Clank
And 1 Clink Sounds
Move The Throttle
Up & Down From
High Voltage To Low
6 Times
Listen For 1 Clank
And 1 Clink Sounds
Push The Whistle Button
Until You Reach The
Setting You Desire
Interrupt The Throttle
To “Lock-In”
The Volume Setting