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Revision H
Amplifier Communication and Protocol, Octagon ISA CPU
Example of “Base 95”
Message (“ID/Version” Query): {AO}
Take Sum of Message Bytes
‘{‘ + ‘A’ + ‘O’ + ‘}’
123 + 65 + 48 + 125 = 361
2. Subtract 32
361 – 32 = 329
3. Modulus 95
329% 95 = 44
4. Add 32
44 + 32 = 76 (ASCII ‘L’)
Example of “Exclusive OR” Algorithm
Message (“ID/Version” Query): STX A 0 ETX (ASCII)
Progressively XORs the bytes to establish the check byte
Check byte = STX ^ A ^ 0 ^ ETX = ASCII character (may be non-
Reject and ASCII Codes
Table 5 is a list of Reject Codes that are returned when an illegal or
unsupported command is sent. Table 6 is a cross reference list of the
ASCII Codes that are used in generating the commands and queries of
the protocol.
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