WiNRADiO G33DDC User’s Manual
ISB and DSB Modes
(independent sideband) is quite similar to the AMS mode and makes it
possible to receive independent information in the two sidebands of an AM-
modulated signal with suppressed, or partially suppressed, carrier.
The desired audio output can be selected between the lower and upper side
bands using two selector
buttons accessible under the
Note: Both channels of an ISB transmission can be recorded
simultaneously using the recording facility of the G33DDC receiver. For
this purpose, allocate two virtual receivers to the same signal, select
LSB on one and USB on the other, and record the signals separately.
In the DSB (dual sideband) mode, both side-bands carry the same information,
but the carrier is either entirely or partially suppressed. The controls and
operation are similar to the AMS mode.
DRM Mode
mode is a new broadcasting system designed to introduce digital
broadcasting to medium and short waves. This is achieved by introducing
sophisticated state-of-the-art digital signal coding and compression, together
with extending channel bandwidth. This results in a dramatic improvement in
broadcast quality. For more information about this mode, refer to
Activating this mode requires purchasing a license from the
DRM consortium
Selecting the DRM mode will provide details how to acquire the license.