Using the Editor
K2100/K1100 User Guide
© 1994 Radionics, Inc.
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alarm conditions will be reported while you are using the Editor, nor will any
transactions be printed. When you leave the Editor, any alarms that occurred will be
reported and all the transactions will be printed. Door controller or K2015 Alarm Module
operate, however.
The Command Prompt - CMD
The starting point for any operation within the Editor is the
Here you are being prompted to enter one of the commands that either alters the
information stored in the Door Controller, such as adding or deleting personnel, or initiating
an action, such as a manual unlock.
Editor Levels
The commands you can enter are determined by your editor level. This is set by the
person responsible for issuing editor keys. If you try and enter a command that is not
available to you then you will see:
and be returned to the
Editor Time-out
Once in the Editor, if you do not press any keys for more than 3 minutes, the Editor will
time-out. You will then have to present your editor key again to return to the Editor. This
means you cannot inadvertently walk away from the system leaving it in the Editor.
Leaving the Editor
Once you are in the Editor you can press the ESC key at the
prompt to leave and
return the door controller to its normal operation. Any alarm conditions that occurred while
you were in the Editor will now be reported. Also, if you have printer connected, then any
transactions that have occurred while the Editor was being used will now be printed.
Panel Keyboard
The keys on the front panel keypad can be grouped into several categories depending on
their function.
The ? Key
Outside the Editor
This is the only key that operates either outside the Editor, or on Slave Door Controllers.
When pressed it will produce a display similar to:
refers to the door controller type, either K2100 or K1100.
is the system type. This will be
for the Master Door Controller or
for a Slave.
is the software version number. You may need to know this if
requesting help about the system.
Inside the Editor
In the Editor the
key provides extra help. For instance, at the
prompt, if you press
you will see: