Embedded Wireless Solutions
2020 Radiocrafts AS
RCxxxxHP-DK User Manual (rev. 3.04)
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I cannot access configuration mode when I press the CONFIG button
Press and hold CONFIG button while pushing the RESET button (or power up the
board). The reason you could not enter configuration mode, is most likely that some
configuration memory values have been set to illegal values. List and check all values
using the ‘0’ (zero) command. Set all values back to default values (see RC232 User
Manual or the respective Data Sheet).
Note: If the mode is already in configuration mode it will not respond with another
prompt if the CONFIG button is pressed. Send the ‘0’ (zero) command to the module
in order to check if it is already in configuration mode.
I get unexpected results when measuring supply voltage with V-command
See Known Issues section
Known Issues
HW Version
3.0 and earlier The UART level from the FTDI-chip is always 3.3V. This
work well when module is powered with 3.3 +/- 0.3V.
Powering the module with external source <3.0V or >3.6V
will create leakage current in UART input pins and give
strange results for ‘V’ command, sleep current and so on.