2019 Radiocrafts AS
MBUS User Manual (ver 2.01)
8 Repeater Mode
The module can be configured as a Repeater by setting NETWORK_ROLE = 2. Repeater mode is supported for S,
T and C mode (MBUS3), and N mode (MBUS4).
The Repeater operates as a stand-alone unit after power on, no installation is required. The Repeater should be
mains powered as its receiver is working continuously. The Repeater can handle up to 15 messages
simultaneously, each with a random delay (5-25s) before the retransmission.
The Repeater will repeat all SND-NR and SND-IR messages within reach after a random delay of 5-25 seconds,
with the Hop bit set to 1. If it is an SND-IR message, the repeater will in addition generate an SND-NKE message
after 2-5 seconds to indicate it is within range to support an installation tool. The SND-NKE message contains the
RSSI level for the received SND-IR message.
The Repeater supports repetitions using the ELL or the TPL (short and long).
The Repeater generates a SND-
NR “management message” every 240 minutes. This message indicates that the
Repeater is alive and working.
The Repeater can be set in Installation mode by activating (setting low) the Install button input (pin 25,
Development Board S5) for < 1 second. The LED driver output (pin 29, Development Board D1, red LED) will blink
rapidly when in Installation mode. In Installation mode the module transmits SND-IR every 30-60 seconds. After 80
transmissions it returns to normal mode.
The installation mode can also be turned off by activating the Install button input again. The LED output will then
stop toggling.
All pending messages are cleared when entering Installation mode, but the module also works as a normal
repeater when in Installation mode.
In MBUS3 it is possible to choose to filter messages to be repeated by manufacturer identification code (MAN_ID).
This is done by setting the configuration parameter REPEATER_MAN_ID[2:1]. The filtering function is off by default
(REPEATER_MAN_ID[2:1] = 0x00 0x00).