For other questions concerning the li-
cense application, contact the FCC at
717-337-1212, or write:
P.O. Box 1040
Gettysburg, PA 17325
For the latest FCC application form
and instructions, call the FCC's fax-on-
demand service at 1-202-418-0177
from a fax machine and request one or
more of the following documents:
All forms and instructions ....... 000600
Form 600 instructions only ...... 006001
Main Form 600 only................. 006002
Form 600 schedules only ........ 006003
If you do not have a fax machine, you
can call the Government Forms Distri-
bution Center at 1-800-418-FORM and
request that the form and instructions
be mailed to you.
FCC Part 90 Rules
You must be familiar with Part 90 of
FCC Rules before you operate your
transceiver. The operation instructions
in this manual conform to Part 90, but
do not cover all items in Part 90.
Overall, Part 90 states that:
• You must have a valid license
before you use the transceiver.
• As licensee, you are responsible
for proper operation of all trans-
ceivers operating under your
license’s authority.
• You can let unlicensed persons
operate this transmitter, as long as
you take precautions to prevent
unauthorized transmissions.
• You must use this transceiver only
for the commercial use of your
business, and only when other
commercial channels (such as the
telephone) are either not available
or not practical.
• You must always yield the operat-
ing frequency to communications
that involve the safety of life or
• You must take reasonable precau-
tions to prevent harmful interfer-
ence to other services operating
on the same frequency.
• You must not transmit program
material of any kind used in con-
nection with commercial broad-
• You must not provide a service
that is normally handled by tele-
phone or telegraph unless such
broadcasts involve the safety of
life or property or in emergencies
such as an earthquake, hurricane,
flood or a similar disaster where
normal communication channels
are disrupted.
• During each transmission or
exchange of transmissions, you
must identify your station with the
call sign issued to you by the
FCC, or once each 15 minutes