Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
When reporting malfunctions, it is mandatory to provide the following information:
name and type of the product,
date of purchase,
factory or workshop number of the fireplace,
brief malfunction description, that is the description of a defect,
exact address and contact number, mail.
Regular yearly maintenance
Regular maintenance is done at the end of each heating season from April 15th to August 31st and
is charged according to the set price list of Radijator inzenjering company. The maintenance
procedure, performed by technicians performing regular yearly maintenances authorized by the
company, include the following operations:
NOTICE: The servicing technician is obliged to inspect all listed parts
(from the list) of the dosing unit and exchanger and if it comes to the
replacement of any parts the user receives the aforementioned warranty and
the additional 12-month warranty for the boiler body (exchanger) as well. The
warranty can be extended up to 5 years from the initiation date. The
maintenance and extension can be done by the person sent by the central
maintenance department of Radijator inzenjering. The warranty isn’t valid to
unchanged parts upon completing maintenance.
Maintenance procedure:
Disassembling the pellet silo from the pellet transporter;
Disassembling the pellet transporter from the boiler;
Removing both chains, sprockets and bearings from the furnace
Disassembling combustion parts from the furnace and cleaning the space beneath the
boiler parts for cleaning; Inspecting the condition of parts and the gap between them;
Cleaning the space of pipes where the lower screw spiral rotates;
Lubricating all bearings of upper and lower screw sxle and inspecting their functionality. The
bearing musn’t have aggravated rotation or have any cracks on the case. On the contrary, the
bearing is replaced. If it is determined that damages on bearings was caused by certain solid object
or accumulated dust, bad quality of pellets in the pellets transporter, Radijator inzenjering charges
the value of the bearing. If the damage of the bearing was caused by the withdrawal of flame into
the pellet transporter because of improperly set parameters while using, Radijator inzenjering
charges the value of the bearing;
Removing chains from both sides of shaft of the cellular safety transporter (valve) and