Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
Group III
When the boiler reaches the set temperature of the water inside or the temperature of the air in
the room with the room thermostat, it enters the standby phase, more precisely the flame maintaining
phase or the original standby phase. The best example of this way of working is the night mode. The
basic goal of this phase is to maintain phase, more precisely embers in the furnace during the multi-
hour standby. That is achieved by initiating periodically both the pellets feeder and fan at certain time
When the boiler reaches the set temperature, it enters the flame maintaining phase. After a certain
time period, as it is determined by parameter t04 (minutes), the feeder starts working and fans are
activated. In these periods, the boiler is activating until the start command is given due to reaching
the set temperature.
One process of the feeder and fan lasts according to the parameter t05 (seconds).
During the process of initiating the feeder its operation is determined by the active operation
period determined by parameter CL09 (seconds) and by the pause period determined by
parameter CP09 (seconds).
During the flame maintaining process, the primary combustion fan is initiated and has power
determined by parameter Uc09.
Possible operation errors related to the flame maintaining phase:
The boiler, despite the functional flame maintaining phase, has an insufficient amount of pellets to
start and operate in the normal mode.
Removing the cause of this error:
Decrease parameter t04, more precisely increase the frequency of the operation of the feeder and
fan in the standby phase.
Increase the length of the process, that is parameter t05.
Large quantity of uncombusted pellets during the initiation of the boiler.
Removing the cause of this error:
Increase parameter t04
Decrease parameter t05
Decrease the power of the fan for primary combustion in the flame maintaining
phase parameter Uc09