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P a g e
Avoid sections of pipe in the heating loop that can trap air where possible. It is usually
impossible to install a system without having at least one part of the system or heating coil able
to trap air. This will not be a problem if the connection to the domestic water lines is made
properly, and purge valves and air eliminator devices are installed.
Following the flushing procedures in the Start-up section will ensure that there is no air
in the system after initial set-up.
Follow recommendations supplied by the manufacturer of the heating source being used.
ecosmart includes a flow switch connection where a flow switch can be connected to allow for
domestic water priority. Note: the correct type of flow switch is a normally open (NO) device.
The flow switch closes when domestic water is flowing.
Check Valve
A check valve may be required for your system to meet local codes and to work effectively. A
check valve:
Protects against back-flow of water to avoid short circuiting around the water heater
during domestic use
Protects against thermal siphoning
Is required in all potable water systems
A pump is not included inside the ecosmart. Whether you are using an external pump or an
internal built-in pump, it should be sized for the system. Pumps supplied with the heat
generating units can be used as the sole pump provided it meets the needs of the system. This
is especially the case in retrofit applications where a much larger pump may have previously
been used in the system.
The ecosmart includes a built-in variable speed pump controller that can control a standard
single speed pump up to 250 watts. Operational modes are as follows:
When set up in modulating mode, the pump will operate as a continuously variable
speed pump
When set up in step-modulating mode, the pump will operate as a multi-speed pump.
When set up in basic mode, the pump will operate as a single-speed pump