1257 User Manual
Advanced SCPI Operations 7-18
EADS North America Defense
Test and Services, Inc.
relays of interest.
This process is illustrated with several examples. If the following
command was sent:
VERIFY:MASK (@1(0:10)),1
the 1257 would set the verification masks for channels 0 through
10 to “inverted” feedback. The following command would do the
same thing except set the same channels to normal (non-inverted)
VERIFY:MASK (@1(0:10)),0
If a channel needs to be set to don’t care, this is easily
accomplished by sending a value of “X” for the mask:
VERIFY:MASK (@1(5),1(10:15)),X
Assuming in the first example that the drawer had channels 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, issuing the following query:
VERIFY:MASK? (@1(0:12))
would return:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X
which would indicate the masks for the first 11 channels were
inverting and the last two were don’t cares. If this hypothetical
card had a bad relay on channel 11, issuing the command:
VERIFY? (@1(0:12))
would simply return:
If on the other hand, channels 3, 5 and 11 were bad, sending the
same verification command would return:
1 : 3,1 : 5
As was the case earlier, channel 11 is excluded by the mask and
will not show up in the error report. In addition, the 1257 will show
only the first ten failures it finds when a large number of channels
are specified in a query.
These commands are NOT defined in the SCPI standard. These
commands follow the syntax rules of SCPI to implement this
Saving/Recalling the
Verification Masks
All verification masks presently defined may be prepared for
storage in non-volatile memory using the VERIFY:SAVE
All module names stored in non-volatile memory may be recalled