Publication No. 980855 Rev. A 1256 User Manual
EADS North America Test and Services SCPI Command Basics 5-35
Then the query:
returns the reply:
Reading the Channel List
for a Path Name
The module address associated with a module name may be read
using the PATH:DEFINE? query. The syntax for this
command is:
:DEFine? <path name>
Using the example in the previous section of this manual, the
PATH:DEFINE? dmm_to_pin1
returns the reply:
Storing Path Names in
Non-Volatile Memory
All paths presently defined may be prepared for storage in non-
volatile memory using the PATH:SAVE command.
The actual process of updating non-volatile memory requires
a separate SYSTEM:NVUPD command. This allows multiple
relay states, exclude lists, include lists, and module names to
be updated in rapid succession, followed by a single, slower
update of the actual non-volatile memory.
Closing Relays
The CLOSE command may be used to close channels. To say a
channel is closed, it means either:
a. The input of the channel is connected to the output (Single-
Pole Single Throw).
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