BL4S200 User’s Manual
1.5 CE Compliance
Equipment is generally divided into two classes.
These limits apply over the range of 30–230 MHz. The limits are 7 dB higher for frequen-
cies above 230 MHz. Although the test range goes to 1 GHz, the emissions from Rabbit-
based systems at frequencies above 300 MHz are generally well below background noise
The BL4S200 single-board computer has been tested and was found to
be in conformity with the following applicable immunity and emission
standards. The BL4S210, BL5S220, and BL4S230 single-board
computers are also CE qualified as they are sub-versions of the BL4S200
single-board computer. Boards that are CE-compliant have the CE mark.
The BL4S200 series of single-board computers meets the following EN55024/1998
immunity standards.
EN61000-4-3 (Radiated Immunity)
EN61000-4-4 (EFT)
EN61000-4-6 (Conducted Immunity)
Additional shielding or filtering may be required for a heavy industrial environment.
The BL4S200 series of single-board computers meets the following emission standards.
EN55022:1998 Class B
FCC Part 15 Class B
Your results may vary, depending on your application, so additional shielding or filtering
may be needed to maintain the Class B emission qualification.
Digital equipment meant for light industrial use
Digital equipment meant for home use
Less restrictive emissions requirement:
less than 40 dB µV/m at 10 m
(40 dB relative to 1 µV/m) or 300 µV/m
More restrictive emissions requirement:
30 dB µV/m at 10 m or 100 µV/m
electronic components distributor