Welding in TIG mode – No Pulse – No remote foot pedal
1. Connect the Tig Torch to machine, connect earth lead to machine & work piece.
2. Set to Tig mode pulse off (Fig 4.7)
3. Set Pulse Switch to Off position
4. Select 2 or 4 way torch operation (Fig 4.8)
5. Connect Argon gas and set flow to approx. 8-12 LPM
6. Set Gas post flow to 3 x diameter of tungsten width (Fig 4.9)
7. Adjust peak current to desired welding current
8. Press the Tig torch switch to start welding
Welding in TIG mode –with Pulse – No remote foot pedal
1. Connect the Tig Torch to machine, connect earth lead to machine & work piece.
2. Set to Tig mode pulse on (Fig 4.6)
3. Select 2 or 4 way torch operation (Fig 4.8)
4. Connect Argon gas and set flow to approx. 8-12 LPM
5. Set Gas post flow to 3 x diameter of tungsten width
6. Adjust Pulse freq. to desired setting (how often pulse happens) (Fig 4.4)
7. Adjust pulse width to desired setting (how long pulse happens) (Fig 4.5)
8. Adjust base amps for minimum pulse current (Fig 4.10)
9. Adjust main current for maximum pulse current (Fig 4.3)
10. Press the Tig torch switch to start welding
The benefits of pulse welding is the ability to control the weld pool and amount of heat absorbed by
work resulting in a smaller heat affected zone which results in fewer deformations and reduced
chance of cracking.
Welding in TIG mode – with Remote foot pedal
1. Connect the Tig Torch to machine, connect earth lead to machine & work piece.
2. Connect remote foot pedal to machine
3. Set to Tig mode pulse off (Fig 4.7) or Tig mode pulse on (Fig4.6)
In welding with pulse in foot pedal, the foot pedal controls peak amperage
Adjust pulse freq. to desired setting (how often pulse happens) (Fig 4.4)
Adjust pulse width to desired setting (how long pulse happens) (Fig 4.5)
4. Select 2 way torch operation – (Fig 4.8)
Foot pedal will not work in 4-WAY mode
5. Connect Argon gas and set flow to approx. 8-12 LPM
6. Set Gas post flow to 3 x diameter of tungsten width
7. Adjust peak current knob on machine to desired maximum welding current.
8. Press the foot pedal to start welding. (on maximum depression it will go to maximum amps
set on machine)
Upon pressing of foot pedal welding arc will start.
The benefits of welding with a remote foot pedal is greater control of amount of heat going into
work. Press pedal fully to start weld, upon weld pool formation you can release the pedal to
decrease amperage to sustain perfect weld pool and increase again as required to sustain weld
The foot pedal adjusts from Start (min) current to maximum current as set on main current knob on
front of machine.