Dear Customer,
ISP Alarm Annunciator has been manufactured by TELEPRO ENERGY in Turkey.All functional tests of device that you
purchased are verified by our technical department. ISP Alarm Annunciator has 2 years warranty against manufacturing
faults.Before performing any electrical connection ,PLEASE Check the ISP Typical wiring at the back page.
Have a good work.
Your respectfully,
Contens of product package
1 Pc.
ISP Alarm Annunciator
1 Pc.
Front panel frame
4 Pcs. Connection terminal-8 input
1 Pcs. Connection terminal-10 input
1 Pc.
Connection terminal-3 input
4 Pcs. Board connection equipment to be used for two side fixation.
I-UnPlug “A” terminal, “B” terminal,”C”terminal and “D”terminal
II- Plug in “K” terminal (Supply and relay output)
III- After Pluged “K” ternimal, ISP runs startup self test procedure
IV- Selft test steps are as follows;
In the first step;
All leds are solid and Internal buzzer turns on,
“Safe/Fail” led blinks green in 4Hz
In the second step;
Input channel leds and buzzer turn off
V- In order to enter config mode ; Press “Test Button” and “Horn buton” together for 3 sec.
VI- After 3 sec.
a- First input channel led blinks in 4Hz
b- Other input channels leds are off
c- “Horn/Silent” led turns off and “Safe/Fail” led blinks green in 4Hz
VII- Press “Horn Button” to setup alarm output type (Horn or Bell ) for input channel 1 while this led blinks red in this
step. When pressing “Horn Button”, colour of channel 1 led changes to blinking green. (Blinking Red means Horn Output
/ Blinking green means Bell Output)
VIII- Press “Test Button” to skip to the next input channel. When pressing “test buton”, next channel led blinks red.
IX- Press “Ack Button” to save input channel settings or Press “Reset Button” to cancel configuration settings. When
pressing “Ack Button”, ISP will save your configuration and restart itself.
! If any button is not pressed for 60 sec in config mode, then ISP returns to the latest working Process Mode
Picture1-Gently hold and
unlock front panel frame at one
side as shown
Picture2-Remove front panel frame from
the unit
Picture3-Insert tag label into slots as seen
Ferhatpaşa Mah. 99.Sok. No:46/5 ATAŞEHİR
Telefon : +(90) 216 469 73 73 Faks : +(90) 216 469 73 74
www.telepro.com.tre-posta : [email protected]
ISP-24 Alarm Annunciator
Inspection &Site testing Procedure for Commissioning