Copyright Qvis Labs. All software and documentation rights reserved.
Manual updated February 2016
Click on the ‘
’ link (highlighted by the red box below ) to register yourself
to the Qvis DDNS service. Fill in your details on the ‘
New User Registration
’ page and
click ‘
The next setup section will ask you to create a new domain name to use. Once you
have chosen a domain name, click on ‘
Request Domain
’ to find out if that name is
unique and no other registered user have also chosen the this name already. The next
screen will show whether the name is unique and applicable for you to use. If it is
applicable the setup will automatically create and register it to your account. If it is not
then it will ask you to search for other names that have not already been taken.
Use this newly created domain name to complete the DDNS setup on your Cortex NVR.