The configurations of the routed proxy ARP function are complete.
Run the
display arp interface
interface-type interface-number
command to check
information about ARP mapping tables based on interfaces.
Run the
display arp statistics
command to check statistics about ARP entries.
2.6 Configuring Proxy ARP Within a VLAN
By configuring proxy ARP on a VLAN, you can interconnect isolated hosts on a VLAN.
2.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
This section describes the applicable environment, pre-configuration tasks, data preparation, and
configuration procedure for configuring proxy ARP on a VLAN.
Applicable Environment
If two users are in the same VLAN but they are isolated from each other, to ensure the two users
can communicate, you need to enable proxy ARP within the VLAN on the interface associated
with the VLAN.
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring proxy ARP within a VLAN, complete the following tasks:
Configuring physical attributes for the interface and ensuring that the status of the physical
layer of the interface is Up
Configuring the VLAN
Configuring user isolation in the VLAN
Data Preparation
To configure proxy ARP within a VLAN, you need the following data.
Number of the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP in a VLAN
IP address of the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP in a VLAN
VLAN ID associated with the interface to be enabled with proxy ARP in a VLAN
Quidway S2700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - IP Service
2 ARP Configuration
Issue 01 (2011-07-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.