20210927 QC-PC-PID-01-Bedienungsanleitung engl.
Summary of commissioning
Establish temperature control:
Select heat sink
Press the entire Peltier element hot side onto the heat sink
Press the Peltier element cold side over the entire surface of the object to be tempered
Attach the PT1000 sensor to the object to be cooled
Connect controller:
Connect PT1000 to terminals 5 and 6
Connect supply voltage to terminals 3 and 4
Terminals 1 and 2 as well as 7, 8, 9 and 10 remain open
Switch on the supply voltage
Check temperature value
Check the operating indicator light, switch off if necessary
Switch to the parameter menu
Determine and set PM
Determine and set parameters Kp, TN and TV
Save parameters in controller
Switch to the monitor menu
Switch to the setpoint menu
Set the desired target temperature
Switch to the monitor menu
Switch off the supply voltage
Connect the Peltier element to terminals 1 and 2
Switch on the supply voltage
Switch operating indicator light to On
Monitor current temperature (temperature value must move towards target temperature)
Adjust parameters if necessary