20210927 QC-PC-PID-01-Bedienungsanleitung engl.
Parameterization according to Ziegler & Nichols
With this Ziegler & Nichols method, the controller is operated for the first time as a pure P controller.
Starting with a small gain factor KP, this is slowly increased until the gain factor is found for which the
control is just becoming unstable. This means that the regulation is just starting to oscillate.
Start up the controller as described
Switch off the output
Leave the controller switched off until the temperature is stable. The controller has now
reached the temperature T
dictated by the cooling medium.
Switch to the PARAMETER-MENU
Set KP to 100 (or less. This value should not cause any oscillation yet)
Set TN to 000
Set TV to 000 (The controller now has pure P characteristics)
Set T1 to a value just (about 10 Kelvin) above T
Set T2 to a value just (about 10 Kelvin) below T
Confirm the changes
Touch the area
“jump to target1”
Observe the temperature development. The controller should not reach the target value,
otherwise reduce KP.
Touch the area “jump to target
Observe the temperature development. The controller should not reach the target value,
otherwise reduce KP
Increase the KP value
Touch the area “jump to target1”
Observe the temperature development.
In this way, increase the KP value until the controller begins to oscillate around the target
temperature. This KP-
value is the „critical gain factor“ KP
Determine the period of one oscillation. This is the time T
in seconds that elapses during a
full oscillation.
According to Ziegler & Nichols, the controller now has the following parameters:
KP = 0,6 KP
TN = 5 T
TV = 1,25 T
If you enter these values in the controller, the control should work well.