Wuhan Questt Asia Technology CO.,LTD
Wuhan Questt Asia Technology Co., Ltd Address:
A7-101, Hangyu building, Wuhan University Sci & Tech Park, East
Lake High-tech Dev. Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Tel: 00862787611146 Fax: 00862759908808 Http://www.questt.com.cn; Email:[email protected]
German Technology | Made in China
supply can be adjusted independently or together with the control system. There are multi-inter-
lock protections in this system, to shut off the main power supply in emergency situation.
2. Description for the electric circuit
The electric circuit is composed of the followings:
Main circuit: include the charging circuit, energy storing circuit, discharging circuit loop and
pre-igniting circuit.
The control circuit: include the electric control circuit, microcomputer control circuit and all
kinds of the protection circuit.
a. Voltage rising/rectifying circuit
By raising the single-phase voltage, the voltage rising / rectifying circuit convert the 220 ACV
to 620 DCV to supply the power of the charging circuit.
b. The charging circuit
The charging circuit is composed of the IGBT power transistors. This kind of circuit can
increase the repeatability of the charging.
c. The discharging circuit loop
The discharging circuit loop is controlled by the SCR. During the discharge, the discharging
IGBT power transistors have to be shut off. After the charging of the energy storing circuit, the
charging IGBT power transistors are shut off, waiting for sometime delay, the discharging
IGBT power transistors are turned on to discharge. When the energy storing capacitor
discharging finished, the discharging IGBT power transistors will be shut off automatically.
d. The pre-igniting and the triggering circuit
It includes the voltage rising transformer, high voltage rectifier, filter, barrater, current relay,
high voltage pulse transformer and high voltage triggering circuit.
The pulsed Xenon lamp is working in the aura discharging during the pre-igniting, which has
the characteristic of the negative resistance. To maintain the aura discharging of the Xenon
lamp after the arc discharging, the pre-igniting circuit must have the characteristic of constant
current. So the pre-igniting circuit must have very high limit resistance.
The triggering mode in this laser is inner triggered by 50Hz pulse automatically. When
the pre-igniting circuit works, the high voltage pulse transformer produces the high voltage of
15,000V ~ 20,000V. When the pre-igniting begins, the triggering circuit shut off automatically
and immediately.
e. Control circuit
The control circuit includes two parts of operating circuit and microcomputer control circuit.
The operating circuit controls the water pump, pre-igniting circuit, main power supply, the
power supply of the control circuit and the inter-lock protection by means of the components
such as the button, contactor and relay. The microcomputer control circuit is integrated in a
f. Protection circuit