Wuhan Questt Asia Technology CO.,LTD
Wuhan Questt Asia Technology Co., Ltd Address:
A7-101, Hangyu building, Wuhan University Sci & Tech Park, East
Lake High-tech Dev. Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Tel: 00862787611146 Fax: 00862759908808 Http://www.questt.com.cn; Email:[email protected]
German Technology | Made in China
When the pre-igniting circuit shut off, the pre-igniting shut-off protection circuit takes into
function and sends out the fault signal.
When the water flow is low in the cooling system, the water flow relay breaks and shuts off
the pre-igniting circuit and the main power supply, thus to stop the system.
C. Optical System
1. Binocular microscope
To observe the working piece clearly, the binocular large caliber and long focus length
microscope has been used in this system. Before the object lens, there is a coated protection
glass to protect the lens from the spatter during the laser processing. The ocular can be taken
down by loosen the fixing bolt for the shipping and maintenance purpose.
2. Laser beam expander and the focusing system
To ensure the laser welding spot in the center of the view all the time during the focusing, the
laser beam has to be co-axial with the beam path of the microscope. In this system, the laser
beam and the optical path of the microscope share the same object lens. The offset of the focus
point is adjusted by the up and down keys. The offset of the focus point is determined by the
experiment according to the welding processing technology.
3. The indication of the welding spot
Because the YAG laser is invisible infrared ray of 1.06
m, there is a cross in the ocular, whose
intersection accords to the laser spot, to indicate the laser position. Thus the laser beam can be
aimed at the welding position on the piece to be welded easily.
4. Cautions
(1) It is forbidden to touch the surface of the optics by hand or scratch by something hard. It is
also forbidden to blow the dusts on optics by mouth. It can be blown by the special blowing ball
or cleaned by the long fiber absorbent cotton ball or the lens paper, if the optics is stained.
(2) Normally, don’t disassemble the optical system to prevent from the damage and the dust.
(3) Move the tube of the object lens carefully and don’t touch the protect glass. Before
changing the protect glass, remove the front tube of the object lens first and the press ring
D. Control System
The system can be controlled by the operation panel before using, or by joystick inside the
welding chamber during using.
E. Cooling System
1. Construction
The cooling system is the main part of the laser system. It is composed of the heat exchanger,
magnetic pump, filter, water tank, switch of water flow, the temperature contactor, ABS hose
and valves to form a closed circulation water system.