Rev 1. 1 05/08/19
- 43 -
MP2 User Guide
Figure 56 - Select comparison operator
Additional Qualifier
Alarm strategies allow for a qualifier to create additional conditions that must be true (on) before this
alarm statement is true or active. The qualifier field is optional and will contain a list of previously
defined alarm strategies and time schedules. Time schedules can be used to only create the alarm
during certain times of the day or days of the week. By using other alarm strategies as qualifiers, you
can create combinatorial logic to create and alarm based on multiple conditions. The MP2 will allow you
to string together multiple alarm strategies in this way to then generate the alarm condition. Keep in
mind that ALL conditions must be true or active for the alarm strategy to be in alarm (active/on). If any
conditions become false (off) then the alarm strategy is no longer active and has a status of off, which
generates a clear alarm in the alarm log.