UMTS/HSPA Module Series
UG96 Hardware Design
UG96_Hardware_Design 66 / 76
7.2. Manufacturing and Soldering
Push the squeegee to apply the solder paste on the surface of stencil, thus making the paste fill the
stencil openings and then penetrate to the PCB. The force on the squeegee should be adjusted properly
so as to produce a clean stencil surface on a single pass. To ensure the module soldering quality, the
thickness of stencil for the module is recommended to be 0.18mm~0.20mm. For more details, please
refer to
document [6]
It is suggested that the peak reflow temperature is 240~245ºC, and the absolute maximum reflow
temperature is 245ºC. To avoid damage to the module caused by repeated heating, it is strongly
recommended that the module should be mounted after reflow soldering for the other side of PCB has
been completed. The recommended reflow soldering thermal profile (lead-free reflow soldering) and
related parameters are shown below.
Temp. (°C)
Reflow Zone
Soak Zone
Max slope: 1~3°C/sec
Cooling down
slope: 1~4°C/sec
Max slope:
Figure 45: Reflow Soldering Thermal Profile
1. During manufacturing and soldering, or any other processes that may contact the module directly,
NEVER wipe the module’s shielding can with organic solvents, such as acetone, ethyl alcohol,
isopropyl alcohol, trichloroethylene, etc. Otherwise, the shielding can may become rusted.
2. The shielding can for the module is made of Cupro-Nickel base material. It is tested that after 12
hours’ Neutral Salt Spray test, the laser engraved label information on the shielding can is still clearly
identifiable and the 2D barcode is still readable, although white rust may be found.