Generation Compact RDMS
Telemetry Receiver
Quasonix, Inc.
SDI [<e>|T <e>|S <s>|P <p>|L <l>|IT <t>|ET <t>]
<e> - Sets the SDI enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
T <e> - Sets the SDI tracking display enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
S <s> - Sets the SDI data source to <s>
where: <s> - Data source
P0 - Physical input 0
P1 - Physical input 1
CMB - Combiner
P <p> - Sets source polarity to <p>
where: <p> - Polarity
{0|+} - Active high (normal)
{1|-} - Active low (inverted)
L <l> - Sets lock state to <l>
where: <l> - Lock state
0 - Normal operation
1 - Forced active
-1 - Forced inactive
I <t> - Sets internal threshold to <t>, 0 to 65535, or A for automatic
E <t> - Sets external threshold to <t>, 0 to 65535, or A for automatic
SDI enabled
SDI datasource Physical input 0
Lock is normal
SDI lock is inactive