Generation Compact RDMS
Telemetry Receiver
Quasonix, Inc.
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
H E - Sets equalizer hold reference to Eb/N0
H Q - Sets equalizer hold reference to DQM BEP
HE <t> - Sets EQ hold below Eb/N0 <t>, -20.000 to 30.000 dB or -100.000 is Off
HD <t> - Sets EQ hold/run delay <t>, 10 to 60000 ms or 0 is Off
HQ <t> - Sets EQ hold below DQM BEP <t>, 1e-12 to 0.5 or 0.0 is Off
M <c> - Sets EQ Mu <c>, -0.125 to 0.125
S <s> - Sets EQ input scale to <s>, 0.000 to 16.000
R <e> - Sets auto reset enable to <e>
<e> - Sets adaptive equalizer enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
R S <s> - Sets auto reset speed to <r>
where: <s> - Speed
F - Fast
S - Slow
C <e> - Sets power centering enable to <e>
<e> - Sets adaptive equalizer enable to <e>
where: <e> - Enable
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
C R <r> - Sets power centering rate to <r>, 0 to 65535
AEQ [N {C <c>|L <l>}]
N C <c> - Sets added noise coefficient to <c>, 0.000 to 1.000
N L <l> - Sets added noise limit to <l>, 0.000 to 1.000
AEQ [P {T <t>|S <s>}]
P T <t> - Sets power check target to <t>, 0.000 to 16.000