Quantum PX720 Unpacking and Installation Instructions
Document 6444602-04 A01
March 2005
Installing the Quantum PX720 Library
Table 1 Cluster Controller
Ethernet Connections
Tape Drive Cluster
Cluster Controller Ethernet Connections
Tape Drive Cluster 0
Eth1 - to internal network from the cabinet
Eth2 - not used
Eth3 - to first FC470 if present
Eth4 - to tape drive cluster 1; Eth1
Tape Drive Cluster 1
Eth1 - to tape drive cluster 0; Eth4
Eth2 - not used
Eth3 - to second FC470 if present
Eth4 - to tape drive cluster 2; Eth1
Tape Drive Cluster 2
Eth1 - to tape drive cluster 1; Eth 4
Eth2 - not used
Eth3 - to third FC470 if present
Eth4 - to tape drive cluster 3; Eth1
Tape Drive Cluster 3
Eth1 - to tape drive cluster 2; Eth4
Eth2 - not used
Eth3 - to fourth FC470 if present
Eth4 - to tape drive cluster 4; Eth1
Tape Drive Cluster 4
Eth1 - to tape drive cluster 3; Eth4
Eth2 - not used
Eth3 - to fifth FC470 if present
Eth4 - not used