Version M 22-April-2012
9.0 Nitrogen Purge for FOLA
Unlike the Ultra Laser Head, the Fiber Optic Launch (FOLA)
module is not hermetically sealed. A loss of nitrogen will occur
naturally over time and especially if the laser is shipped from one
locale to another or when the fiber is removed. Air breakdown
occurs when impurities are vaporized in the beam waist of the
focusing element. This is evidenced by a snapping sound. It
is harmless but could result in missed shots. Purging with dry
nitrogen removes impurities and moisture from the module and
prevents breakdown.
1. Remove the two nitrogen purge/seal screws on the front of the
2. Connect 5 psi (.345 bar) dry nitrogen to one seal screw hole,
using the Schrader valve and #4-40 screw adapter supplied
in the Accessories Kit.
3. Flow UHP (Ultra High Purity) dry nitrogen through the Laser
Head for 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Stop the flow of nitrogen.
5. Replace the screw in the purge hole used as the exit port for
the dry nitrogen.
6. Remove the #4-40 screw adapter and Schrader valve from
the Laser Head.
7. Reinstall the purge/seal screw in the remaining open hole.
Purge screws
Schrader valve
#4-40 screw