Component & Electrical Final Preparations…
Hydraulic jack requires 12 volt battery; make sure you use at least a 4 gauge battery cable for the
power to the jack.
Remove three sided cover from tank assembly (if installed).
Install hydraulic lines with 15mm wrench, fittings on cylinders/pump require 9/16” wrench. Hoses are
generic for the kit and may be setup for a direct mount setup (pump mounted to cylinder’s angle
bracket, two 7/16” bolts per pump). If you need longer hose, call Quadra and order longer or go to
local hardware store and get ¼” hose with #4 JIC Female fittings, hose rated for 2,700 psi.
(Standard kits) Mount weather proof control box assembly in a convenient location making sure to
allow enough wire harness to reach the tank assembly.
Most trailers have the battery mounted on the front of the trailer in a box; install the 80 amp breaker
(if equipped) using the self-tapping screws in-line somewhere between the jack(s) and the battery. If
your jack kit did not come with a breaker, it probably does not require one.
Hooking up the breaker: Using a 4 gauge battery cable (if equipped); attach one end of the cable to the
bottom solenoid on the lug with the copper strip. Route the cable to the breaker at the post marked
AUX. Then attach the other cable (if equipped) from the breaker post marked BAT and route the cable
(Standard kits) Route the harness from the switch box through the grommet on the back of the pump.
Connect the green (or blue) wire with the white strip to the small post on the top solenoid (make sure
to use the push-on connector if supplied). Next, connect the solid green (or blue) wire to the small post
on the bottom solenoid. You may now connect the battery cable to the battery.
In the event the Tank Assembly is not attached or mounted to steel; it is necessary to attach the
Auxiliary Ground cable from tank assembly to the frame. (If tank Assembly is mounted to steel, the
ground is reached thru the tank body and frame of vehicle.)
At this point add fluid (ATF DexIII) to the pump (green fill tapered plug) make sure you fill the tank so
that the fluid is 1”-1 ½” below the top (two quarts per pump).
Check all hardware and fittings to make sure they are tight.
Then you must press the extend button and fully extend the jack(s) until it reaches full extension. Let is
set this way for 30 minutes, this bleeds the air from the lines.