June 18, 2014
Pellets Back-Up
in Feed Tube
Firepot Overfills
Ash Build-Up in Firebox
Figure 20.1
• This unit is required to be cleaned frequently because
soot creosote and ash may accumulate.
12. Preparing Firebox for Non-Burn Season
• Frequency:
See chart on pg. 15
• By:
a. The appliance must be in complete shutdown and allow
the appliance to completely cool down.
b. Unplug
c. Remove all ash from fi rebox and vacuum thoroughly.
d. To minimize corrosion paint all exposed steel, including
cast-iron. Use the Touch-Up paint supplied with the
appliance or purchase paint from your local dealer.
You must use a high-temperature paint made
specifcally for heating appliances.
e. Cleaning
fl ue at the end of the burn season will
prevent corrosives to build-up and damage the fl ue.
Outside temperatures should have no affect on the
performance of the appliance under freezing
D. Soot or Creosote Fire Awareness
The chimney should be inspected periodically during the
heating season to determine if a creosote build-up has
occurred. If a signifi cant layer of creosote has accumulated
(1/8 inch [3mm] or more) it should be removed to reduce
the risk of chimney fi re.
Check daily for creosote build-up until experience shows
how often you need to clean to be safe. Be aware that the
hotter the fi re the less creosote is deposited, and weekly
cleaning may be necessary in the mild weather even though
monthly cleaning may be enough in the coldest months.
Contact your local municipal or provincial fi re authority for
information on how to handle a chimney fi re.
In the event of a soot or creosote fi re, close the fi rebox
door, exit the building immediately and contact the proper
fi re authorities.
DO NOT under any circumstances re-enter the building.
E. High Ash Fuel Content Maintenance
• Frequency:
• By:
If the ash build-up exceeds the half way point in the fi repot
or clinkers are adhering to the sides of the fi repot, then the
fi repot fl oor is not being cleaned often enough.
Insert flat head screw driver into “V”
section and push down and the bottom
of the latch will fall forward off of post
Locating ears - 1 on
each side. Fit behind
bottom edge.
Figure 20.2
F. Baffl e Removal
1. The appliance must be in complete shutdown, com-
pletely cool and the exhaust blower off.
2. Open
3. The
baffl e is located at the top inside of fi rebox.
4. Remove
baffl e by placing a fl at head screw driver into
the slot of the latches located in the upper corners and
rotate down. The bottom of the latch will fall forward off
of the post. Lift the baffl e up and then out toward you.
Figure 20.2
5. To replace the baffl e, place the 2 locating ears behind
the bottom edge and tilt the baffl e up and into place.
6. The
baffl e must be centered in the fi rebox before
latching it in place. If it is not centered the latch will slip
between the baffl e and side of the fi rebox instead of
latching properly.
7. The bottom of the latches will fi t over the posts. Using
the screwdriver, push the top of the latch forward to
lock latch into place.
Risk of Fire and Smoke!
• High ash fuels or lack of maintenance can cause fi re-
pot to overfi ll. Follow proper shutdown procedure if ash
buildup exceeds half way point in fi repot.
• Failure to do so could result in smoking, sooting and
possible hopper fi res.