To move forward a page, press reset.
To loop the page that is being edited press channel.
It is also possible to edit the length of the gate for each step both while running and while
in Tune Mode.
For each step, the gate length can be adjusted by pressing the encoder and rotating it.
There are 8 gate lengths from 6ms triggers, to tied.
The gate lengths other than trigger and tied notes, are based on a percentage of the length
of the note from 10% to 90%.
While looping a page within Tune Modes the Channel LED will pulse between the channels’
color and white.
To exit the Per-Step note editor, hold shift, and click the Notes encoder.
11. Out 1
1V/Oct output for channel 1.
0-5V output.
12. Out 2
1V/Oct output for channel 2.
0-5V output.
13. Gate 1
Gate output for channel 1.
6ms 5V pulses.
14. Gate 2
Gate output for channel 2.
6ms 5V pulses.