Software Configuration Manual
VLAN of trunk port is :
switchport trunk native vlan
For acess port, use command to configure default VLAN of specified interface :
switchport access vlan
The detailed introduction of the corresponding command.
For example :
! Configure default vlan-id of Ethernet interface 1 to be 2
QTECH(config-if-ethernet-0/0/1)#switchport mode access
QTECH(config-if-ethernet-0/0/1)#switchport access vlan 2
Caution : To use
switchport trunk native vlan
must guarantee the specified interface to be
trunk, and belongs to specified VLAN, and the VLAN ID is not 1. Use
switchport access vlan
configure interface default VLAN and add it to the VLAN. The specified interface is access, and the VLAN is existed
and is not the default VLAN.
Configure tag vlan
When the port is access without tag vlan configuration, it can only send untagged packet. If it wants to send
tagged packet, use command :
tag vlan
Use command to disable this function
tag vlan
The interface must be access, and configure it in interface configuration mode.
For example :
! Configure Ethernet interface 1 to send IEEE 802.1Q packet with tag VLAN 5, VLAN 7-10
QTECH(config-if-ethernet-0/0/1)#tag vlan 5, 7-10
Display VLAN information
VLAN information is VLAN description string, vlan-id, VLAN status and interface members in it, tagged
interfaces, untagged interfaces and dynamic tagged interfaces. Interface members consist of tagged and untagged
show vlan
If the VLAN with specified keyword exists, this command displays the information of the specified VLAN.
If no keyword is specified, this command displays the list of all the existing VLANs
For example :
! Display the information of existed VLAN 2.
QTECH(config)#show vlan 2
5.3 Brief introduction of GVRP
GARP protocol
Generic Attribute Registration Protocol
) was defined by the IEEE to provide a generic
framework so bridges (or other devices like switches) could register and de-register attribute values, such as VLAN
identifiers and multicast group membership. GARP defines the architecture, rules of operation, state machines and
variables for the registration and de-registration of attribute values. GARP is the protocol was used by two
applications : GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) for registering VLAN trunking between multilayer
switches, and by the GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP). The latter two were both mostly enhancements