Software Configuration Manual
Display ARP anti-flood attack information
Use this command to show arp anti-flood :
QTECH(config)#show arp anti-flood
Bind blackhole mac generated by arp anti-flood to
be general
Use this command to bind blackhole mac (non- decompiling) generated by arp anti-flood to be general
arp anti-flood bind blackhole { mac | all }
For example :
! Bind mac : 00 : 0a : 5a : 00 : 02 : 02
QTECH(config)#arp anti-flood bind blackhole 00 : 0a : 5a : 00 : 02 : 02
! Bind all blackhole mac generated by all arp anti-flood
QTECH(config)#arp anti-flood bind blackhole all
Enable/disable ARP anti-spoofing
ARP anti-spoofing is used to check the match of ARP packet and configured static ARP. After enabling this function,
all ARP through switch will be redirected to CPU. If source IP, source MAC, interface number, vlan id and static ARP
are totally matched, it is thought to be valid and permitted normal handling and transmit. If not, drop it. If there is not
corresponded static ARP table item, handle it as strategy of configuring unknown arp packet : drop it or flood (send
to each interface) and ARP anti-flood is defaulted to be disabled. Use this command in global configuration mode to
enable it :
Enable arp anti-spoofing
QTECH(config)#arp anti-spoofing
Disable arp anti-spoofing
QTECH(config)#no arp anti-spoofing
Configure unknown ARP packet handling strategy
Use following command to configure unknown ARP packet handling strategy.