Hard errors occur when the USB communication channel to the computer malfunctions or the
camera has an unrecoverable internal error. The power to the camera must be turned off and on
to reinitialize the camera and USB connection to the computer. This class of error is generally
caused by problems with the USB connection between the camera and computer or software
and firmware version incompatibility. Hard errors always begin with two Red flashes followed by
a number of Yellow flashes.
Camera hard error state indication
Flash Red: 2
Flash Yellow: N
The number of yellow flashes of the Status Indicator specifies the nature of the camera Hard
Error. This code indicates the technical nature of the problem.
Neither class of error indications can be disabled with the Advanced Diolog box. If you
encounter any of these errors, make a record of the code flashing by the Status Indicator. This
information will be useful if you need to contact QSI Customer Services.
Audible beeper
There is a small beeper located inside the camera that is used to provide notification of various
events. Shortly after power is applied to the camera, the Beeper will make a short “chirp” sound
indicating that the camera is entering the Initialization mode. Once the camera is fully
operational the Beeper will make a “chirp-chirp” sound. At this point the camera is ready to
communicate over the USB connection to the computer.
The Beeper is also sounded in sequence with the Status Indicator when any sort of error
occurs. A long beep is sounded whenever the Status Indicator is displaying Red and a short
beep when displaying yellow. This audible alert is intended to alert the operator in case the
Status Indicator is not noticed or not visible.
The Beeper disable function in the Advanced Dialog box does not apply to power-on
initialization or error notifications. These events are always accompanied by the corresponding
audible beeper sounds
Imaging application messages
The imaging applications may display messages in response to activities performed with the
camera. Many of these messages have straightforward text descriptions of the event. Others
messages may include only a numeric code. If you get a message indicating an error, record the
text message or numeric code in the event that you need to contact QSI Customer Support.