Logging In
Factory default account and password information can be found in the Security Guide (TD-001589) shipped with the CMS-5000. If you
do not have the Security Guide, please contact Technical Services for more information.
Access to various UI features will depend on the type of account used to login as follows:
— Table 2 — Login Account Types
Account Type
Create and delete accounts at all levels – Administrator, Installer, Manager, and
Has all lower level privileges
Create or delete Installer, Manager and Projectionist level accounts.
Update CMS-5000 system software.
Change system level and hardware configuration settings.
Has all lower level privileges.
Ingest content, build playlists and schedule shows.
Has Projectionist level privileges.
Operate the CMS-5000 (play/stop/pause).
If you are logged in with Administrator or Installer privileges, you can create additional user accounts with unique
usernames and passwords. You are strongly advised to change the default passwords to prevent unauthorized access.
If the default logins have been changed and you no longer have the required user names and passwords to
log in at manager or projectionist level, contact your installer to reset your manager and projectionist login data. If you no
longer have the required user names and passwords to log in at administrator or installer level, the CMS will need to be
returned to QSC for service to restore it to default factory settings. All content and configuration information on the CMS
will be lost.
After accessing the UI via your browser as described above, the Username and Password text boxes display at the top of the page:
Enter your username and password and click Login. After logging in, additional navigation buttons will appear on the top bar. Buttons shown
will depend on your login privileges as indicated above. Context sensitive help is available for all controls accessible via the user interface.
Navigation Buttons
– Navigates to the Overview page. Here you can log in and view information about your CMS-5000, as well as export DCI
certificates and log packages.
– Navigates to the player page. Here you can control content playback, toggle the input source and manually trigger
automation cues.
— Figure 5 —
— Figure 6 —