Key Log Go rev 2.6 Page 5 of 58
Yaesu FT-817, FT-857, FT-897
The KLG offers the Quick QSY
feature, allowing you
to change frequency and mode very easily.
The log will automatically be populated with the current
frequency and mode, so you don’t have to enter it.
This family of rigs will be known as FT-8x7 in this
Data entry for logging, creating messages, capturing “their call”
can all be done with or without a keyboard!
The KLG provides many features for the portable operator,
whether out on the trail, in a park, on vacation, or at home.
Shel Radin, KF0UR Steve Silverman, KB3SII
The KLG will send CW to any rig that has a straight key input.
For the Elecraft KX3, KX2, or K3 and Yaesu FT-8x7 family of
rigs, it provides additional features by using their respective
serial interfaces.
This version of the manual applies to KLG versions 2.0.x.