The following are tradem ar ks or registered t rademarks of t heir respective owners. O ther
pr oduct names mentioned in this manual may also be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respect ive owner s. Register ed tradem ar ks are registered in the
United States Patent and Trademark Office; some tradem ar ks may also be registered in
ot her count ries. QMS and t he Q MS logo are regist ered tradem ar ks of QMS, Inc. , and
Crown, the Cr own seal, QUIC, CrownNet , ImageServer, and PS Executive Series are
trademarks of QMS, Inc. PostScr ipt is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated for a
page description language and may be registered in cer tain jur isdictions. Throughout
this manual, “PostScr ipt Level 2” is used t o refer t o a set of capabilities defined by
Adobe Syst ems for its Post Script Level 2 page description language. These capabilit ies,
am ong others, are im plemented in this product t hr ough a Q MS-developed emulation
that is compatible with Adobe's PostScr ipt Level 2 language. Adobe, Adobe PhotoShop,
Adobe PageMaker/Adobe Systems Incorporated. I ntellifont /Agfa Division, Miles, Inc. 3
Com, 3+Open/3Com Cor poration. Aldus, PrePrint /Aldus Cor poration. Apple,
AppleShar e, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, Laser Writer, LaserPr ep, LocalTalk, Macintosh,
Tr ueType/Apple Com puter, Inc. Banyan, VI NES/Banyan. Centronics/ Cent ronics Dat a
Comput er Corporat ion. CompuSer ve / H & R Block. DEC, DECnet , LN03, VMS/Digital
Equipment Corporat ion. PhoneNET/ Farallon Computing, Inc. Hewlet t-Packard, HP,
PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/ Hewlett-Packard Co. I BM PC, Token-Ring/ Inter nat ional Business
Machines Corporat ion. Int el/Intel Cor poration. Aldus FreeHand/Macromedia, M icrosoft,
MS-DOS, Windows/Micr osoft Cor poration. Gothic Medium BBB and Ryumin Lgiht KL/
Morisawa and Company, Ltd. NEC/NEC Cor poration. Novell and NetWare/Novell, Inc.
Quar kXPr ess/Quark, I nc. TOPS/Sun Microsystem s, Inc. TypeBank/ TypeBank, Ltd. The
ENERG Y STAR logo/United States Environmental Protect ion Agency. The ENERG Y
STAR emblem does not r epresent EPA endorsement of any product or service. UNIX/
UNI X Syst em s Laboratories. Ether net /Xerox Cor poration.
The digitally encoded sof tware included with your QMS 4060 Print System is
Copyrighted © 1998 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be
reproduced, modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any for m or in any manner or
on any media, in whole or in part , without the express wr itten per mission of QM S, Inc.
This m anual is Copyr ighted © 1998 by Q MS, I nc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL
36618. All Rights Reser ved. This manual may not be copied in whole or in par t, nor
transferred t o any other media or language, without t he express written per mission of
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